As our company continues to grow, we would like to introduce you to a new team member: Kim Hovenkamp – van Teulingen.
Kim joined the Sure team as a freelance consultant last month and is our brand-new Business Development Manager.

Get to know Kim

Kim has a track record in sales and business development in the pharma and life science industry. She will help manage customer relationships for our routine analysis services. When she is off, Kim likes to spend time with her family. She has two kids and studies psychology. She loves to go on a hike and travel the world. And she is a great cook as well!

Sure Laboratories routine analysis portfolio continues to grow
With Kim’s onboarding, we will expand our growth in routine analysis. Sure Laboratories performs routine microbiological tests on a large-scale base in compliance with international guidance for medical devices, personal care products and utility testing. We are keen to provide you reliable results with fast turn-around-times, as Sure Laboratories recognizes the importance of time management within your Quality Control department.

Find out more about our routine analysis services

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