Sure Laboratories performs routine microbiological tests on a large scale base in compliance with international guidance for medical devices, personal care products and utility testing. We are keen to provide you reliable results with fast turn-around-times, as Sure Laboratories recognizes the importance of time management within your Quality Control department.

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products
  • Total Aerobic Microbial Count according to European Pharmacopoeia 2.6.12

  • Total Yeasts and Moulds Count according to European Pharmacopoeia 2.6.12

  • Test for specified organisms according to European Pharmcopoeia 2.6.13

  • Bacterial endotoxin testing according to European Pharmacopoeia 2.6.14 (chromogenic kinetic)

  • Incubation, interpretation and reporting of clean room agar imprints

  • Incubation, interpretation and reporting of biological indicators
    Biological indicators – spore count

Medical Devices
  • Bioburden testing according to ISO 11737-1

  • Sterility testing according to ISO 11737-2

  • Bacterial Endotoxin Testing according United States Pharmacopoeia <161>

Water and utilities
  • Microbiological quality of water according to PhEur 01/2009:0008 bioburden and endotoxin testing

  • Microbiological quality of water according to ISO 6222 36 ± 2 ˚C

  • Microbiological quality of water according to ISO 6222 22 ± 2 ˚C
Contact us for more information

Who we are

Sure Laboraties is an independent ISO 13485:2016 certified microbiological laboratory. We are dedicated to microbial analysis in support of the Life Science Industry and High Tech Food/Agro Industry.


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ISO 13485 certtified

ISO 13485 CERTIFIED positive CMYK e1540892172136